The Teaching degree in Geography courses are taken at the Ilha do Fundão Campus of UFRJ, full-time. 45 applicants will be selected, always starting in the second term of the year. The program is composed of a total of 2,980 hours, with an expected time of completion in 9 terms. The chosen curricular organization favored the maintenance of a core of disciplines common to Teaching and Bachelor’s degrees, called the base core, and a core focused on professional training – specific for the Geography teacher – called the Teaching Professionalizing core.
The base core consists of 16 compulsory courses, which correspond to 32.2% of the total workload. The Professionalizing core comprises a total of 32 courses and additional curriculum requirements (ACR) which correspond, in turn, to 67.78% of the total workload; of these, 19 are compulsory courses and ACR and 13 are complementary.
Formal academic and scientific activities and informal extra-class activities of cultural nature aim at stimulating creativity, experience with other languages, and contact with other forms of expression.
At the time of registration for admission, the applicant must make apply for the Teaching degree, as the admission for Teaching and Bachelor’s degree are independent. The student who wants to have a Teaching degree in Geography at UFRJ after graduating in the Bachelor’s degree, can redo the National Entrance Exam (ENEM) and apply via the Unified Selection System (SISU), appeal for the Optional External Transfer and Exemption from Entrance Exam (which usually happens mid-year) or request re-entry (which usually takes place at the beginning of the year). The available vacancies and the characteristics of the selection process are published in a relevant notice, published on the UFRJ Undergraduate Access Website. Learn more about undergraduate access here.